Shipments and returns
The products are delivered to the address indicated by the consumer on the order form. The consumer is held to check packing state of the goods and to announceany damage due to the conveyer on the delivery order, like at the company 66°NORD Sarl, within one week. The consumer can, with his request, to obtain the sending of an invoice to the bill-to-address and not to the address of delivery by validating the option envisaged for this purpose on the order form. With regard to forwarding, we work usualy with Colissimo Expert International. As soon as we proceed to a sending, you receive a email immediately by informing you.
To reduce transport costs, all the nonfragile products of weak or average obstruction are dispatched by French postal service "Colissimo Expert" (delivery against signature). In addition to the fact of being economic, this service delivers in 48H in all France, 5 to 7 days in Overseas and International. Colissimo Expert is a highly reliable service.We decline any responsibility/liability as for lengthening for the delivery periods because of the conveyer, in particular in the event of loss of the products or strike.
Problems of delivery because of the conveyer
Any anomaly concerning the delivery (damages, product missing compared to delivery order, broken product) will have to be imperatively indicated on the delivery order in the form of “handwritten reserves”, accompanied by the signature of the customer. The consumer will have in parallel to confirm this anomaly by addressing to the conveyer in the two following working days delivery date, a mail recommended with acknowledgment of delivery exposing the aforementioned complaints. The consumer will have to transmit copy of this mail to:
66°NORD Sarl
Centre International d'affaires
24 bd Marcel Dassault
64200 Biarritz - France
Errors of delivery
14-a: The consumer will have to formulate near the company 66°NORD Sarl same day of the delivery or at the latest the first working day following the delivery, any complaint of error of delivery and/or nonconformity of the products in kind or in quality compared to the indications being reproduced on the order form. Any complaint formulated beyond this time will be rejected.
14-b: The formulation of this complaint near the company 66°NORD Sarl could be made: - in priority by telephone to (33) 559.544.583 from Tuesday to Saturday 9:00 to 12:00. , - while connecting you on our site in the heading “follow your order/purchase order”” where, after having entered your number of customer, you will be able to ask us your question through the menu to contact us by specifying the reference of the order/purchase order well.
14-c: Any complaint not carried out in the rules defined above and the time limits could not be taken into account and will release 66°NORD Sarl of any responsibility/liability with respect to the consumer.
14-d: reception of the complaint has, 66°NORD Sarl will allow a number of exchange product concerned and will communicate it by e-mail, fax or telephone with the consumer. The exchange of a product can take place only after attribution of a number of exchange according to the step presented above.
14th: In the event of error of delivery or exchange, product to swap or refund will have to be returned to company 66°NORD Sarl as a whole and in its packing of origin to the following address:
66°NORD Sarl
5 rue des morilles
40260 Linxe - France
To be accepted, any return will have to be announced as a preliminary to the Client service of the company 66°NORD Sarl.